Nikki Warren is the brains behind NaturoBest. As the founder and resident naturopath, Nikki has made a name for herself within the field of fertility and naturopathic medicine.
I first came across NaturoBest a few years ago. I started the preconception range and was amazed at the quality. I felt assured by Nikki's expertise in the field and I was amazed by her own personal story, which you can read about here.
Fast forward a few years, and I am just finishing up several others from Nikki's latest range. Having become a mum in early 2022, I wanted to focus on optimising my health. I also wanted to work on my fitness, as it was still lagging behind my pre-pregnancy ability.
Enter the metabolism and thermogenic, detox and liver, stress and sleep, and vitamin C powder range. This was the perfect range to get my mojo back and help me lose the little extra weight I was carrying from breastfeeding. I wanted to get active and tone up more. I also wanted to relax and sleep better and prioritise my health with some potent antioxidants.
My Thoughts
I won't go into the science here, as you can read about that on NaturoBest's website. There's a wealth of information there. What I can say is that the range is impressive. I 100% vouch that these are great products and, while this range was gifted to me, I will be returning as a paying customer.
I started the day with the Metabolism and Thermogenic AM capsules. These tablets can aid in helping proper thyroid functioning and I certainly felt energised after. Initially, for the first few days, I did feel like I'd overly caffeinated, but the buzz sensation soon subsided. I felt alert and more focused, but also like I could do a big workout with the additional energy. Perfect for running after a toddler!
I also took the Detox and Liver supplement twice a day. I felt this made the most difference around my period. I tend to get bloated for a day or two around my period, but when taking these capsules, I didn't notice any bloating. If you're prone to bloating, this supplement may be of interest to you.
The last two supplements I used are the Ultimate Vitamin C and Bioflavonoids powder and the Stress and Sleep PM capsules. These two were my favourite and I felt a remarkable difference. Vitamin C is something that I love to supplement as I know it has so many benefits as a potent antioxidant. Not only for the immune system, but seeing the benefits for skin health and collagen production too.
The vitamin C powder was a great benefit when, having returned from an overseas trip, the jetlag and recovery from a long-haul flight was wreaking havoc. Taking this supplement daily on my return kick started my wellness again and I felt much better in record time. I dare say that I would have had a lingering cold had I not had this powder on hand. It's now a staple in our pantry.
My other favourite in the range is the Stress and Sleep PM formula. It contains lavender and lavender has an amazing ability to instantly relax me. I felt an instant calm every time I took it. It was nice to be able to consume the lavender instead of spraying it on my pillow. It was like it had an even greater impact. This will be another addition to our cupboard.
Nikki specialises in women's reproductive health and her range is testament to her expertise. She certainly knows what women need. The range is vegan-friendly and carefully created to optimise your wellbeing. There is a range for any part of your reproductive journey.
If you'd like to learn more, check out Naturobest.com for more information, including full list of ingredients and usages.